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    • GOLF mk8

      The Volkswagen Group is one of the best examples of the new mega-manufacturing machines of the automotive industry. As a family of nine automotive brands, it has the ability to fill just about every mainstream, enthusiast, and barely scratched market. There are several advantages to this combined manufacturing force. One, economy and emissions ratings for smaller efficient models like the Golf and Polo can be used to offset less-efficient models like Aventadors and R8s in corporate averages. Two, technology used to make supercars from Lamborghini and Audi lighter and faster can be used to make Volkswagens lighter and more efficient. Bringing composite and aluminum-alloy manufacturing technology from low- to larger-volume cars also spreads the cost out, bringing prices down. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); To maximize every gallon of fuel, engineers must think beyond the car. The driving environment will play as big a role as the vehicles rolling through it. Cars will communicate with each other to help navigation systems plan the most efficient routes with traffic. Terrain will be calculated to avoid unnecessary altitude changes and parking data can be transmitted to avoid driving in circles looking for that last spot. The following predictions for the 2016 Volkswagen Golf MK8 are based on technology currently being developed. How much of it comes to fruition is still unknown. This particular model would likely never make it to the United States, at least not in as few as five years. A combined diesel and electric 85 horsepower wouldn't suffice for North American driving habits even with reduced weight. VW is currently in the process of building an engine factory in Mexico slated to be up and running for the Golf MK7. The rumored product of the factory is a 1.8-liter direct-injection I-4 to replace the current 2.5-liter I-5 in Golf, Jetta, Beetle, and Passat. VW has announced both a plug-in hybrid and a full electric Golf for near future production, likely in 2013. The odds of a sub-1.0-liter engine powering the U.S.-spec hybrid at that time are low. Even by 2016 it is still unlikely, as motor and battery technology would need to make considerable advances in power and range. We shouldn't count on ever seeing a Golf with fewer than a combined 150 horsepower in the forseeable future. A new smaller car built here in the new Tennessee factory with less power? That isn't so unlikely. 1. Forward-facing radarCould be used in the kinds of adaptive cruise control systems seen in luxury cars today or as part of new "active green driving" technologies being developed in Europe. Theoretically, such sensors could in conjunction with dynamic traffic information to determine the most efficient balance of combustion engine and battery electric power for real-time road conditions. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 2. External noise  An external noise generator kicks in when the car is running in electric mode in urban areas.  3. Predictive 3-D sat-navUsing information from live traffic reports, the sat-nav can also choose a specific route to a destination based on either journey time or economy. Three-dimensional info overlaid on the typical sat-nav mapping means that the transmission can take advantage of downhill roads, where the car will slip into engine-off coasting mode. The nav can also route to avoid hills and busy roads that increase fuel use. 4. Climate sensor packMore sophisticated than that used on today's cars, it senses rain and light levels and incorporates a super-wide video camera that can detect cyclists and pedestrians. Climate information is fed to the active headlamps, braking system and stability controls. 5a. 4G internet connectionKey to the car's interactivity. A high-speed internet connection provides live information for the car's systems and communicates with other vehicles and traffic control systems, such as traffic lights. 5b. Car park reservationsCity car parking spaces could be accessed via a website and spaces reserved as part of a sat-nav route. Live updates would also inform the driver of available spaces.  5c. Car-to-car communicationsSo-called "near-field" communications will help avoid collisions with other vehicles and also provide live traffic information (on congestion, average speeds and so on) to vehicles approaching a congested area. Dynamic navigation systems can then reroute approaching vehicles.  6. Intelligent keyUsing technology being developed for future iPhone models, the car's keyfob can be used to store credit for small purchases. It can also be used as a "swipe card" for everything from buying train tickets to opening the doors of prepaid hotel rooms.  7. Driver-monitoring systemThe car's systems monitor the driver's performance at all times and can temporarily take over some of the driver's tasks, such as steering, when a collision looks imminent.  8. Full-active headlampsFull-active LED headlamps use information from 3-D sat-nav, rain sensor, and forward-facing sensors to subtly change the beam's spread and angle BODY 1 . Composite front fendersSuperlight injection-molded wings.  7. Aluminum skin panelsLightweight aluminum skin panels are used for the roof and the hood. 8. Composite tailgateThe tailgate consists of an inner and outer structural molding made of injection-moulded plastics.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 10. Active aerodynamicsThe exterior shape is heavily influenced by wind-tunnel performance, targeting a Cd of just 0.24. The tail spoiler extends away from the tailgate to improve high-speed aerodynamic performance. 14. Lightweight door constructionThe lower part of the door's internal frame is made from forged composites.  RUNNING GEAR  2. 0.8-liter, two-cylinder diesel engineLightweight and meeting the super-stringent EU6 exhaust pollution regulations, this 55-horsepower unit is designed to be used on demand, only when the driver needs acceleration or when going uphill. At other times, it remains idle.  12. Lightweight wheels  Hollow forged magnesium wheels filled with structural foam, low-friction wheel bearings and next-gen low-resistance tires. 16. Lightweight brakesA much lighter car means the discs and calipers can be downsized. The disc centers are lightweight aluminum. Only the cast iron braking surface is replaceable.  17. Seven-speed, dual-clutch transmissionThere's no manual option. The transmission shifts for maximum economy and uses information from the car's external sensors and 3-D sat-nav to enable it to shift predictively for approaching conditions. 18. 30-horsepower electric motor/pulse starterCan either power the Golf on its own or assist the TDI motor. It also acts as a"pulse starter," spinning the engine up to speed for seamless restarting of the engine. This is the key to the eco Golf's frugality: The engine remaining idle as often as possible.  CONSTRUCTION 3. Natural materials Easily recyclable natural materials, such as hemp, are used for the dashboard and door trims. Covered in matte materials for a high-quality surface finish.  5. Composite seat framesSeat frames are one of the heaviest components in the interior. Most of the steel construction is replaced by lightweight forged composites.  6. Diesel fuel tank Compact 9.2-gallon tank helps free up space for battery packs.  9. Chassis bodyAluminum chassis legs/crash boxes, bolted to steel center structure.  11. Forged suspension partsThe suspension arms are made from forged composite and molded into an aerodynamically efficient shape. There's an outside chance of a dual-height suspension system, which drops to a low setting at higher cruising speeds for improved fuel economy.  13. Composite floor panelTrunk floor panel is made from forged composites, shaped to accommodate two different sizes of battery pack.  15. Underfloor cover Full-length, full-width undertray, partly encapsulating the engine bay. ELECTRONICS  4. Compact multi-media systemHighly compact, lightweight, combined sat-nav and audio system, with SD card storage for music and Internet radio facility. Sized between an iPhone and iPad.  19. Charging pointHidden behind VW badge.  20. Ultra-light wiring loomThe wiring loom is one of the heaviest parts of a car. In the future, electronic fuses will allow the use of smaller-gauge wires and even aluminum cables. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Monday, February 10, 2014

Revolution through the phone. "Fuck EU"

Yesterday’s leak of the flagrant telephone talk between the US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt has already hit the international media headlines. In short, it turned out that the US officials were coordinating their actions on how to install a puppet government in Ukraine. They agreed to nominate Bat’kyvshchina Party leader Arseniy Yatseniuk as Deputy Prime Minister, to bench Udar Party leader Vitaly Klitschko from the game for a while and to discredit neo-Nazi Svoboda party chief Oleh Tiahnybok as “Yanukovych’s project”. Then Mrs. Nuland informed the US Ambassador that the UN Secretary General, Under-Secretary for Political Affairs Jeffrey  Feltman had already instructed Ban Ki-moon to send his special envoy to Kyiv this week “to glue things together”. Referring to the European role in managing Ukraine’s political crisis, she was matchlessly elegant:
 “Fuck the EU”.
In a short while, after nervious attempts to blame Russians in fabricating (!) the tape (State Department: “this is a new low in Russian tradecraft”), Mrs. Nuland made her apologies to the EU officials. Does it mean that the Washington’s repeatedly leaked genuine attitude towards the “strategic Transatlantic partnership” is more worthy of an apology than the direct and clear interference into the internal affairs of a sovereign state and violation of the US-Russia-UK agreement (1994 Budapest memorandum) on security assurances for Ukraine?  Meanwhile this document inter alia reads as follows:
The United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the CSCE Final Act, to respect the Independence and Sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.
The United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.
The United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the CSCE Final Act, to refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind.
Back to the latest Mrs. Nuland’s diplomatic collapse which was made public,  it was unlikely an unfortunate misspelling. Andrey Akulov from Strategic Culture Foundation has published a brilliant report (Bride at every wedding, Part I and Part II) a couple of days ago describing Mrs.Nuland’s blatant lack of professionalism and personal integrity. He described in details her involvement in misinforming the US President and nation on the circumstances of the assasination of the US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens in Benghazi in September 2012 and her support of the unlawful US funding of a number of the Russian “independent” NGOs seeking to bring a color revolution to Russia.
Her diplomatically unacceptable behavior regarding Ukraine, the culmination of which could be viewed on YouTube this week (video and full transcript are available below), suggests that Mrs. Nuland is perhaps the wrong person in the wrong position for protecting American interests in Eurasia.

Full transcript of the telephone talk between the US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nulandand the US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt 

V.N.: Good. I don’t think Klitsch (Klitschko’s nickname) should be in the government. I don’t think it’s necessary, I don’t think it’s a good idea.
G.P.: Yeah, I mean, I guess… In terms of him not going into the government… I’d just let him stay out and do his political homework. I’m just thinking, in terms of sort of the process moving ahead, we want to keep the moderate democrats together. The problem is gonna be with Tyahnibok and his guys. And, you know, I am sure that is part of what Yanukovych is calculating on all this.
V.N.: I think Yats is the guy. He has economic experience and governing experience. He is the guy. You know, what he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnibok on the outside. He needs to be talking to them four times a week. You know, I just think if Klitchko gets in, he’s going to be at that level working for Yatsenuk, it’s just not gonna work…
G.P.: Yeah, yeah, I think that’s right. Ok, good. Would you like us to set up a call with him as the next step?
V.N.: My understading from that call that you tell me was that the big three were going into their own meeting and that Yats was gonna offer in this context, you know, a «three plus one» conversation or a «three plus two» conversation with you. Is that not how you understood it?
G.P.: No. I think that was what he proposed but I think that knowing the dynamic that’s been with them where Klitchko has been the top dog, he’ll show up for whatever meetings they’ve got and he’s probably talking to his guys at this point. So, I think you reaching out directly to him, helps with the personality management among the three. And it also gives you a chance to move fast on all this stuff and put us behind it, before they all sit down and he explains why he doesn’t like it.
V.N.: Ok. Good. I am happy. Why don’t you reach out to him and see if he wants to talk before or after.
G.P.: Ok, I will do it. Thanks.
Nuland-YouTube V.N.: I can’t remember if I told you this or if I only told Washington this: when I talked to Jeff Feltman this morning he had a new name for the UN guy – Robert Serry. I wrote you about it this morning.
G.P.: Yeah, I saw that.
V.N.: Ok. He’s gotten now both Serry and Ban ki-Moon to agree that Serry will come on Monday or Tuesday. That would be great I think to help glue this thing and to have the UN help glue it and, if you like, fuck the EU.
G.P.: No, exactly. And I think we’ve got to do something to make it stick together because you can be pretty sure that if it does start to gain altitude that the Russians will be working behind the scenes to try to torpedo it. And again the fact that this is out there right now, I am still trying to figure out in my mind why Yanukovych <…> that. In the meantime there is a Party of Regions faction meeting going on right now and I am sure there is a lively argument going on in that group at this point. But anyway, we could land <our toast> jelly side up on this one if we move fast. So let me work on Klitschko and if you can just keep… I think we just want to try to get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing. The other issue is some kind of outreach to Yanukovych but we probably regroup on that tomorrow as we see how things start to fall into place.
V.N.: So on that piece, Jeff, when I wrote the note Sullivan’s come back to me V.F.R., saying you need Biden and I said probably tomorrow for an atta boy and to get the details to stick. So, Biden’s willing.
G.P.: Ok. Great, thanks.

Deputy Secretary General, European External Service
Deputy Secretary General, European External Service
Deputy Secretary General EE AS External Service Helga M. Schmid (H.S.) and Jan Tombinsky (J.T.), EU Ambassador to Ukraine (rendering, starting 0:04:13 on the tape):
H.S.: Jan, it’s Helga once again. I’d like to tell you one more thing, it’s confidential. The Americans are beating about the bush and saying that our stand is too soft. They believe we should be stronger and apply sanctions. I talked to Cathy (Cathrene Ashton – OR) and she agrees with us on the matter we were discussing last time. We will do it but we must arrange everything in a clever way.
J.T.: You know we have other instruments.
H.S.: The journalists are already talking that the EU stand is “too soft”. What you should really know is that we are very angry that the Americans are beating about the bush. Maybe you tell the US Ambassador and draw his attention to the fact that our stand is not soft, we’ve just made a hard-line statement and took a tougher stance… I want you to know that it would be detrimental to our interests if we see in the newspapers that «The European Union does not support freedom». Cathy will not like it.
J.T.: Helga, we do not compete in a race. We should demonstrate that this situation is not a competition in diplomatic toughness. I’ve just heard about the opposition’s new proposal to the president. I’ll write Cathy about it right now.

H.S.: Ok.

source : orientalreview
Revolution through the phone. "Fuck EU"
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