We all know people who never get sick. All around them are viruses, cold or flu, but these people seem as if they are immuned to infections. Here are some tips on how you can improve protection from such diseases, while strengthening your immune system.
1. Working out.
Like all the other cells in your body, your immune system also needs oxygen and nutrients to function. Regular exercises improve blood flow, thereby feeding the cells of the immune system . This reduces stress - a factor in lowering the body's defenses.
It is important to remember that moderation is very important. Excessive exercise can overload the body and with existing mental or emotional stress, physical congestion can be very bad for the immune system. Especially when for most of the training your body uses the nutrients that would otherwise were intended for other systems in the body, including the immune system. Research shows that professional athletes and those who train very intensively have a weak immune system, while those who exercise moderately and regularly improve the skills of the body to deal with invasive microbes.
2. Reduce stress and relax
When you are under stress (mental or physical), your body produces cortisol and adrenaline, which inhibit the activity of immune cells. It's not a surprise if somenone should get sick after a stressful moment. Learn how to relax and deal with stress. Many relaxation techniques are easy to do and have an effect if done regularly. Here are the most popular:
- massage
- meditation
- listening to your favorite music
- and as already mentioned - moderate exercise
Forget the junk food. If you want to mantain a good condition don't even consider eating hamburgers, pizzas etc. Good quality food, especially vegies and fruits, will help you get all the necessary nutrients that your body requires to execute its processes normally. And I'm talking about vitamins, minerals, fluids, adequate essential amino acids from protein, essential fatty acids, adequate calories and ... you get the idea. A human body needs more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. How much you eat depends on your calorie needs. There are various nutrition guides published by medical and non-medical institutions that would be a great guide in this area.
4. Sleep soundly
Good sleep definitely helps during our daily activities, but how does it affect immunity?
Brain produces melatonin, which controls the immune system, reducing the risk of viral or bacterial infections. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant. You can increase the production of melatonin (and quality sleep), making sure that your bedroom is as dark as possible, because even the slightest light detected by your retina decreases melatonin's production.
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