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Monday, January 6, 2014

How to Look Thinner in Photos (some tips)

Ever start looking through your pics and realize you're the only one who's not so photogenic? It's probably not true. People tend to be more critical of themselves than they are of others. On the other hand, if you've gained a few pounds, there are at least some ways you can make yourself look thinner in pictures. Between chronic illness weight gain and my own former bad habits, I've suffered through many bad photo sessions. Here's my tips for making "fat" pictures come out the best they can.

Make your face stand out.
When the camera is focused on your face, nobody notices the rest. Let your mood soar. A sour face always looks unattractive. Wear make-up when you know there will be pictures taken, even if you normally don't. The camera tends to dull your complexion. Making your face and hair stand out draws attention away from the rest of you. People won't even notice your weight gain.
Sit up straight.
Slouching in a sitting position really accentuates extra weight. All those layers collide into one big blob. Sorry if that offends, but it's true for me too. I have more than a few Jabba the Hut - like photos to prove it. Sitting up straight or standing in pictures creates a slimmer looking posture that eliminates or lessens bulge.
Don't look up.
When you look up at the camera, it makes your face look fuller. It also makes your face look shiny and bloated, especially when you're overweight. If you have a double chin, looking up at the camera will accentuate it. It may even look bigger than it actually is. Unfortunately, I have a driver's license photo that proves this very fact.
Choose your clothes carefully.
You want your face to stand out, not the rest of you. Avoid gaudy, sparkly or lewd clothing. Revealing clothes look good on people who have less to reveal. It's just a fact of life. Gaudy clothes draw attention to whatever body area they cover. Opt for small prints and plain, dark colors for a more slimming look, on or off camera.
Be the one in the back row.
When all else fails, hide behind your friends and family. Sure, it's a bit of a cop out, but it works. When you stand behind others in a photo, the focus is on them. When you gain weight, your face is the last thing to go. That means if your body is hidden behind loved ones in photos, the slimmest part of you is showing.

How to Look Thinner in Photos (some tips)
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